Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Braun ThermoScan Thermometer

My newest VoxBox is the Braun ThermoScan Thermometer. I really did need something other than the arm pit ones & the oral ones. It's next to impossible to get a temp out of either of my kids - ages 4 & 1. I also needed it the week before I had gotten mine, but that's ok. We have it now :)

I wasn't really sure what to expect when I opened the box. Would it really be that easy to use? Will it really only take a couple of seconds to read their temp? The answer is YES for both! It REALLY is that easy to use! You can even take your own temp pretty easy (hey, had to try!). 

I can see where this would be one of those gifts for a new parent. Something that you don't really think of, because let's be honest. The ones you get in those baby sets are not really the easiest to use on a new baby. I could have also really used this when my second son was a newbie now that I think of it. I always had to take his temp, and I really hated doing it. 

I have a video that shows you how to use it. It's not the best, and I've never really made a video. I had to do it myself (looks like I should go buy a phone tripod now!), so if you'd like to see it in use, then head to my YouTube video and check it out. 

More pictures coming soon, have to find my card reader!

**I received the Braun ThermoScan free from Influenster for testing purposes! Want to get free stuff to try too? Message me, and I'll send you an invite!**

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Oh Sewing...

I figured I may as well start posting things I've made. I love to sew, even though I am really not the best seamstress. There are a few things I can do well though!

I made a pair of suck/drool pads for my Ergo Baby Carrier a while back. They were......well, they weren't the best but they worked, and they gave my camel colored Ergo a little fun. I thought on what I would do differently for my next pair, but never got around to it. Then a friend asked about some for her Ergo...and I decided it was time to put my thoughts to good use. After using the Google to find different patterns & tutorials, I finally decided to use Marisa Makes: Baby Suck Pads as my guide. Or, one of my guides. I mostly used hers because I liked the size, and that I didn't need to print a pattern (hey, no printer..yet!). I then took what I learned from mine, and entered it into the equation, and woohoo! The top photo I am using my toddler Tula, since I have sold my Ergo! They will work great on either though.

My original pair:
Sorry for not having a good photo of them alone! I have to find them again.

I learned that I don't like terry cloth, or working with it. My new ones have about 4 layers of flannel under the Mickey fabric. 

Next post about sewing will be the cute fabric basket I made. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 23, 2014

COVERGIRL's Bombshell Curvaceous

In my quest to find mascara that doesn't bother nor dry out my eyes, I received the Bombshell Curvaceous in my Influester Surf's Up VoxBox.

I already have long lashes, and when I do wear mascara when wearing my glasses, I get streaks on them LOL good thing I have contacts now!
There ya go. My eyes, with the Bombshell Curvaceous mascara, but only on the top lashes. The bottom ones were WAY too long with it on haha

*COVERGIRL's Bombshell Curvaceous mascara was complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.*
