Friday, December 27, 2013

NYC HD Color Trio

In my Jolly VoxBox from Influenster, I got the Long Beach Sands color. Which is perfect colors for me, I like brown tones!

I think it's great that they have a tip right on it to tell you where the color works best. For those of us who don't wear make up a lot, it helps makes the most of the colors.

The best way to apply it is with a brush, not with the applicator that came with. That thing is hard, and doesn't work as well. I had to put on a lot more than I would with my other brands of eye shadows, but once I got it where I liked it, it looked really nice!

*Received for testing purposes*

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Puffs® To Go Packs

I finally am working on my review of the Puffs® To Go packs! It probably helps I actually have a cold too :( That's the only sad thing, but it is what it is!

I received my Puffs® from Influenster in the Jolly VoxBox 2013. I will admit, I am the type of person who usually uses a hankie! Mostly because I hardly ever get sick, and we just never remember to buy things like this. So, here we go.

The size of the To Go pack is perfect for a purse, small back pack, or what I use on a daily basis, my Ergo baby carrier. It fits perfectly in the little front pocket! Makes it easy to get to too. The tissue itself is super soft! Which is really nice when one has a cold, and has to wipe a nose a lot! Won't get chapped as fast (if at all!). I can also see how these would be nice for little kids! Won't make wiping their nose as bad for them either.

I would love taking these on the road because they come in a small package. You can easily fit one in your glove compartment, so you'd always have it there. And like I said above, they are great for backpacks, purses & baby carriers!
received this product complimentary from Influenster

Monday, December 16, 2013

Jolly Vox Box from Influenster

I recently signed up with to see what was to be had. I got in on the Jolly Vox Box, and it arrived today! So with that, here is what was in my box:

  • Puffs® Ultra Soft & Strong Tissue Pack
  • NYC New York Color HD Color Trio Eye Shadow
  • Rimmel London NEW Show Off Lip Lacquer
  • Skinny Cow® Candy
  • Ducklings™ Mini Rolls
I am super excited to try the make up! I love that the colors of eyeshadow sent are neutral, and not some off the wall color. The Lip Lacquer isn't something I've ever tried either, so it will be something fun & new for sure.

So check back in a few days & I will have up my reviews on each product! 

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes